We got some Stellaris boards from Texas Instruments. Two each, of course. We put ‘em in the closet until the dev chain matures. After getting a nudge from miceuz, I finally decided to try it out. It turns out that setting up on Arch Linux has now become trivial.

There are many ways to get it working. I prefer open-source. The AUR is a total mess of EABI packages. As per cross-compiling tool guidelines, the proper name for this toolchain is arm-none-eabi (if no vendor is specified). This name is taken by the Sourcery CodeBench stuff. Note also that it’s a binary redistribution.

Another set of packages (more widely adopted) is cross-arm-none-eabi-*. This is what I want. It is based on the summon-arm-toolchain script and uses the GCC toolchain.

To debug, you will also need OpenOCD. To flash, lm4tools. Create a few config files, and you are go.

So, the procedure.

  1. As a bare minimum, get the following from AUR: cross-arm-none-eabi-gcc lm4flash-git.
  2. For debugging, also get these: cross-arm-none-eabi-gdb openocd-git. I asked veox to pack the latter. By the time you read this, the stable openocd from community will probably support Stellaris, so just use pacman. There is also lmicdiusb-git, but I haven’t tried that.
  3. Add a udev rule, so you don’t have to sudo all the time.
  4. Test your debugger. As per the guide, I used stellaris-launchpad-template-gcc to avoid obscure TI licenses.
  5. Optionally, get the official StellarisWare library. The page has broken JavaScript and wants you to log in, which I couldn’t. If you do manage to accompish this feat, know that you won’t be able to use their code for anything – just read the license. I propose we ditch it.

Now just figure out why use this instead of your usual workhorse. Perhaps a CAN bus interface by Thomas Fischl, the guy who gave us USBasp?..

Published December 30 2012 by rxdtxd and veox